Can the hospitality industry survive?
In the current times we are living in, like many other businesses, the hospitality industry is suffering… that’s for sure.
What is the long term solution? How will it move forward and continue to grow? What needs to change? How do wel make the transition with all the price increases & fear?
Well… I will give you my opinion on the subject, as a business owner, that has been in the industry for over 20 years at the highest level around the world and worked for the best in the business, having suffered along the way and got back up again… I might be in a good place to have a voice… no ?
I believe we have hit a point of no return of the old regime, within the industry of low pay, long hours, abused staff and general lack of respect and appreciation towards the industry from the outside.
In Australia the industry is very much respected like we respect Doctors & nurses here for the work they do for sociaty, the culture is just that, people regard them in a higher realm for there services… because that’s what it is right? the service provided…. imagine we took away all food production outside of your home and had to go into the wild and find your own food, that’s if we even know how too !
That in mind, it is on the same level of Doctors & nurses that work so hard to help us when we are in need of healing on a physical or mental level for various reasons that are personal to each of us, or an accident happened that we need emergency treatment.
Respect is key here, the Food industry is not respected enough in the UK… so that means its been disrespected. That’s true yes it has.
Food needs to become more honoured it all its understanding and become a ritual again like it was before we became too big for our own boots… what do I mean by honoured? learn from our ancestors, create sacral habits around the food we eat and how we eat, respecting the food and the land it comes from and who has worked the land, these are very important ingredients that we have forgotten about and taking it all for granted. We must see things differently, The time has come to change our ways.
With this new found respect for food the industry outside can flourish again, it can grow like it has never grown before, but together we can do this, not alone, not by individuals leading the way, but as a collective community that has a ripple effect onto others, that’s how we grow and create change, that’s how we move out of this dreadful painful existence of greed and manipulation we are in at the present moment.
Change is inevitable and so is growth, so…..its a great time to be living because we can be the arcetec of our own future during this time of transformation, so lets choose the right way, TOGETHER.
Let me know your thoughts in the feed, what is your opinion?
John Lawson